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Bruno Ferreira

Arquiteto, doutorando em Arquitetura


Para citação: FERREIRA, Bruno – Optimist suburbia: uma visão para a cidade contemporânea. Leitura crítica sobre a configuração urbano-arquitetónica da periferia norte da cidade de Lisboa. Estudo Prévio 1. Lisboa: CEACT/UAL – Centro de Estudos de Arquitetura, Cidade e Território da Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, 2012, p. 52-80. ISSN: 2182-4339 [Disponível em: www.estudoprevio.net].

Creative Commons, licence CC BY-4.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Optimist suburbia: a vision for the contemporary city. Critical reading on the urban-architectural configuration of the Lisbon northern periphery



This article aims to be an introduction to research on contemporary territory, which is seen by many as a collection of fragments connected to a decaying center and by others as a place of opportunities, where everything is still possible.

It questions the evolution of the landscape built in the suburbs (architecturally and urbanistically) was questioned at the end of the 1960s, when the ideals of liberalism, the major real estate developers and a strong demographic pressure changed the urban growth process and influenced the logic of metropolitan relations – from the traditional lot-by-lot production to large urban extensions.

Considering that the construction of urban space results from the conflict between different actors, it will be useful to identify the forces that brought about this phenomenon of urban growth, from public, political, economic-commercial, socio-cultural, human or artistic to investors or workers. They will be the ones we will have to deal with if we want to think about the contemporary metropolitan territory. The aim is thus to highlight a network of connections, creating the opportunity to demystify a territory suffering from a large number of preconceived ideas that hardly find translation in real space.


Keywords: Urban actors; Lisbon Metropolitan Area; Real Estate Speculation; Fernando Silva; Modernism; Periphery/Suburb